Cookieless measurement is the future. And, of course, the future is already here.
For agencies and their clients, cookieless measurement is now positioned at the forefront of efforts to find and cultivate an audience of consumers for brands, products, and services.
It’s a revolution in thought that Leavened saw coming and, in many ways, helped create. We anticipated this moment and prepared for its arrival. That’s why we first started to build out Leavened’s suite of powerful marketing measurement tools.
Leavened specializes in cookieless measurement solutions. Our tools and the insights they provide outline the contours of the cookieless world so that agencies and their clients can plan around them.
We don’t do cookieless targeting but measure its impact and profitability to business. Leavened measures the effectiveness of different channels helping agencies and their clients be more exacting in their own cookieless targeting efforts.
What is Cookieless Measurement?
We can measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts across different channels without the use of cookies. It’s all part of the cookieless world that’s being constructed before our very eyes.
Cookies collect data about users—and those users have been expressing concerns about privacy since the earliest days of cookie-based web browsing.
The market is responding. Cookie deprecation is happening as we speak and will reach near-full fruition by 2023 when Google’s Chrome browser deprecates third-party cookies. (Firefox and Safari have already done so. As has Nielsen, which calls cookies “brittle identifiers.”)
Cookies aren’t going away completely; websites, domain owners, apps, CRMs, and other tech companies will still employ first-party cookies (unique identifiers, alternative identifiers, and other first-party data) to inform their own marketing mix, data collection efforts, and measurement approaches.
The rest is up to us.
Cookieless Measurement/Cookieless World
So: How best to employ cookieless measurements in a cookieless world? It will require new approaches that engage with consumers and personalize their experiences. Most importantly, it must take cross-platform data culled from multiple channels and devices.
The good news is that users want to see targeted ads. In fact, a recent Google/Ipsos poll found that more than 9 out of 10 users between the ages of 16 and 74 “are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them.”
Leavened’s media mix modeling approach tells advertisers which media channels are performing best right now. It also indicates where to invest advertising dollars in the future.
This modeling approach is synonymous with regression modeling — which just happens to be the way forward in the cookieless world. (In a bit of irony, the way toward the future is with a method that predates the internet!)
Regression modeling used to be out of reach, so it’s even better news to learn that Leavened brings this powerful analytical approach to cookieless measurement to the desktops of agencies just like yours.
It wasn’t that long ago that this type of modeling was beyond the budget of most agencies. But with Leavened, these powerful tools are affordable, scalable, and teachable.
We’ve automated advanced analytics just for advertising. Our approach will prove to be better, faster, more affordable, and more transparent than other services.
You can even brand the platform as your own.
So: How best to employ cookieless measurements in a cookieless world? With the platform that’s already ahead of the curve: Leavened.
Our measurement methodology is transparent like it always has been — and as it will always be, far into the cookieless future. This is long-term, people-based, data-informed media measurement, measuring audiences’ responses to digital ads throughout the digital media ecosystem.